Normally all of our regular concerts are scheduled on the Saline County Courthouse Lawn. However, the courthouse is scheduled to have a new roof put on during the month of July. This is why some of our concerts have been moved.
The address for the church is:
225 E. Arrow St.
The address for the Martin Community Center is:
1985 S. Odell Ave.
July 4th
Indian Foothills Park-8:00. The concert will be followed by fireworks.
July 11th
First United Methodist Church-7:00 p.m.
July 17th
Grand Pass St. Luke's Church of Christ Ice Cream Social-7:00 p.m
This in the 91st year the band has traveled to Grand Pass!
July 18th
Marshall Municipal Band Annual Ice Cream Social and Concert-First United Methodist Church. Serving begins at 6:00 and the concert begins at 7:00 p.m.